Monday 8 April 2013

Opening statement

Crows player Ricky Henderson was accidently filmed in the warm-up room adjusting himself, and in doing so his penis was filmed.
The news has been filled with stories (and it needs to be said that many people would not have even been aware of the incident had the news not infomed them) and reports that Ricky is embarrased.
I for one think Ricky is a HERO, I have seen what's inside his shorts and he has NOTHING to be embarrased about.
I feel for Ricky, this was not of his choosing and certainly not an event he had planned, but its done and he can take comfort in the fact that other AFL stars have had their penis exposed to the public and it hasnt hurt their career one bit.
So I say RICKY HENDERSON you are my hero, you sould be proud of your penis, and believe me there are far more people who love you than think you have something to be embarrased about.